云上岭南 | 四十不惑:做航司的清华硕士开起了包子铺

2022-08-31 09:08
【雲上嶺南】Forty Your Life On: A Tsinghua Master's Who Had Worked in an Airline, Now Opened a Steamed Stuffed Bun Shop


The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone welcomed its 42 birthday on August 26. Let's listen to the stories of Shenzhen entrepreneurs. Tao Qiang, a 39-year-old public relations manager for an airline, has a Master's degree from Tsinghua University. Now he is the boss of a steamed stuffed bun shop and hasmadesome achievements in his career. Tao Qiang is grateful to Shenzhen for making him more mature. Let's listen to his story!


