云上岭南 | "海底长城"合龙在望,深中通道海底隧道进入最后冲刺阶段

2022-10-25 09:06
【大美广东】The building of the undersea tunnel of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge at the final stage


The undersea tunnel of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge witnessed the completion of the sinking and docking of its E22 tube section on October 21. A total of 31 immersed pipe sections have been installed, setting a new world record for the speed and accuracy of floating installation of largely immersed tubes. The undersea tunnel is 6,845 meters in length, with the immersed tube section reaching 5,035 meters, which is the longest and widest steel-cased concrete immersed tube tunnel in the world. The construction of the project has entered its final sprint stage and is advancing the fabrication and related work for the last tube section (E23) and the final joint. The closure of the tunnel known as the "Undersea Great Wall" is in sight.


