云上岭南 | 粤博绘冠南天大展收官,名家解读带你体会宋元山水画艺术奥妙

2022-11-30 16:55
【雲上嶺南】The charm of landscape painting and calligraphy art in the Song and Yuan Dynasties


  • A few days ago, the Guangdong Museum put an end to the Special Exhibition of Painting and Calligraphy from the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

Based on the two basic points of "Guangdong Collections" and "Calligraphy and Painting in Song and Yuan Dynasties", this exhibition sorts out the works of calligraphers and painters in Guangdong, and compilations of the Song and Yuan calligraphy and painting, descriptions, engravings, etc.

What were the classics in the exhibition? How did it inspire the current prosperity of literature, art, and the construction of public culture? This long picture will take you to review the dialogues between ancient and modern classic masters, digging deep into the origin and sequence of classical calligraphy and painting treasures shown in the exhibition. The artworks let readers richly appreciate the mystery of landscape painting and calligraphy art in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. 



