云上岭南 | 出生已有1.9米!广州动物园喜添长颈鹿雄性幼崽

2023-04-18 19:27

【大美广东】A Giraffe Calf Born at Guangzhou Zoo!


The Hai family of giraffes at the Guangzhou Zoo recently welcomed a male calf. Born at 8 am on April 7, it's the eighth offspring of giraffe mom "Haihua" and the third generation of mother giraffes at the zoo.

The newborn giraffe typically measures 1.7-1.8 meters at birth, but this calf surprisingly stands at 1.9 meters tall and weighs 77.5 kg. According to the caretakers, it's strong and healthy, and growing taller and heavier every day. The calf has already learned to clean itself and take small steps around its "nursery," where it rests and plays.

Come see this adorable new addition to the Guangzhou Zoo family!



