云上岭南 | 佛山顺德:来一场沉浸式的粤剧巡游

2023-05-05 16:12

【大美广东】Enjoy the charm of Cantonese opera in Shunde


The 2nd Qian Lijv Cantonese Opera Cultural Festival kicked off in Shunde, Foshan on April 30.

Themed the “1001 Connections with Qian Lijv”, the carnival features the cultural symbols of Qian Lijv, allowing the public to fully experience the unique charm of this special kind of Cantonese opera. The festival combines Sanzhou Lion Dance Culture and XuriCultureand connects key attractions such as Yubo Bridge and Sanzhou Central Park, through land and river cruises. The much-awaited event integrated Cantonese scenery, music, dance, food, and entertainment, vividly showing the Qian Lijv Cantonese Opera culture in Sanzhou Community.









文、图/羊城晚报全媒体记者 杨苑莹 通讯员 李楚倩

