云上岭南 | 深圳大万世居:滨海客家,庭院深深

2023-05-18 16:13

【大美广东】Visiting the Dawan Ancestral Residence in Shenzhen

大美岭南 | 深圳大万世居:滨海客家 庭院深深

#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong The Dawan Ancestral Residence in Maluan Street, Pingshan District, is a typical Hakka-style square compounds in Shenzhen with towers in four corners and a symmetrical layout of streets extending in all directions. It preserves the historical customs and cultural essence of the Hakka people, reflecting the social and cultural characteristics of different periods and their changes. Nowadays, it has been revitalized as one of the representatives of the local area, attracting visitors from home and abroad.


