OCBC2023 | 中国侨乡华人嘉年华活动在开平赤坎华侨古镇举行

2023-05-19 15:26

【OCBC2023】Overseas Chinese Carnival was held in Chikan Town, Kaiping


#OCBC2023 On the evening of May 17, 2023, the Overseas Chinese Carnival kicked off in Chikan Town, Kaiping. Many representative intangible cultural heritage projects of Jiangmen were displayed, showcasing the profound history and culture of one of the hometownsfor overseas Chinese to guests and visitors. Dozens of famous snacks were also made available for guests to enjoy, allowing them to experience the unique food culture there.

▲赤坎华侨古镇举办此次嘉年华活动 赤坎华侨古镇供图赤坎华侨古镇举办此次嘉年华活动 赤坎华侨古镇供图

▲歌曲《相约侨乡》将作为嘉年华活动开场歌舞亮相 资料图片歌曲《相约侨乡》将作为嘉年华活动开场歌舞亮相 资料图片


