云上岭南 | 万树成千岛!“红树林之城”湛江魅力万千

2023-06-16 15:01

【大美广东】Charming Zhanjiang: the City of Mangroves


#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong Covering an area of approximately 104.2 hectares,  mangrove forests have formed small emerald-green islands scattered across the sea. Jinniu Island in Zhanjiang is famous for its thousand islands created by ten thousand trees. The mangrove forests, also known as the “forests of the sea”, have become an abundant source of fish and shrimp and a natural paradise for migratory birds. The Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve in Guangdong is the largest and most concentrated protected area of mangrove forests in China, earning Zhanjiang a reputation as the “City of Mangroves”.

▲湛江市麻章区湖光镇世乔村金牛岛的红树林。羊城晚报全媒体记者 梁喻 摄

▲湛江市麻章区湖光镇世乔村金牛岛红树林片区风景优美,游客在栈桥上参观欣赏。羊城晚报全媒体记者 梁喻 摄

