云上岭南 | 睇龙舟赛,食龙舟宴,盘点佛山五区端午精彩“名场面”

2023-06-29 15:12

【雲上嶺南】Dragon Boat Festival celebrated in Foshan in grand style!


During the Dragon Boat Festival in Foshan, scenes of dragon boat races and lively drumming can be seen along the rivers. A series of events such as the dragon raising ceremony, dragon boat drifting, and floating market allow people to be fully immersed in the festivities. Foshan has a long history of dragon boat culture. Here the spirit of striving for excellence, persevering, and working together is passed down from generation to generation. This year, Foshan has integrated dragon boat folk culture with water town culture and food culture through a variety of performances and product exhibitions. These spectacular events were held in the five districts of Foshan, showcasing the charm of dragon boat culture from all angles. #artandculture

▲西樵山天湖上,选手奋力挥桨划龙舟 西樵镇供图

▲湖涌村草艇赛 胡锦辉 摄

