云上岭南 | 地球与银河浪漫同框!这颗卫星的“眼睛”深圳造

2023-12-02 16:03

【大美广东】The Earth and the Milky Way in the same picture! The satellite's "eyes" are made in Shenzhen 


Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders| On November 28, Shenzhen-based Insta360 released a romantic image of the Earth and the Milky Way in the same picture. It was captured by a 360° action camera attached to a low earth orbit satellite. Through 360 views, we can see the view from the perspective of a satellite. The camera recorded the magnificent beauty of the sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and stars from Siberia to the Indian Ocean, and from the Cape of Good Hope in Africa to the Persian Gulf.

What is more romantic is that Insta360 innovatively sent more than 4,600 netizens’ wishes collected a year and a half ago into space with a specially customized screen to broadcast these wishes on the satellite, and the 360° action camera perfectly recorded these precious "group photos" in space. #SplendidLingnan








