云上岭南 | 国内首个儿童花市在广州开锣

2024-02-06 14:22

【大美广东】The First Children's Flower Market in China Opens in Guangzhou


Art and Culture | On February 3rd, the first children's #flower market opened in #Guangzhou. In the market, rare flowers, like paphiopedilum Maudiae and Paphiopedilum venustum, and New Year flowers including #petunias and moth orchids, bloom together. In the flower #market, favonian ornaments of #Cantonese used in the #spring, mini #Tanghulu and Lingnan #dolls are sold on various stands. #Children can revel in the fragrance of flowers and Lingnan #customs while enjoying the atmosphere of the Spring #Festival. #artandculture


