云上岭南 | 《一千零一夜》中的这段故事,竟真的发生在广州!

2024-03-27 14:46

【大美广东】The story in “One Thousand and One Nights” actually happened in Guangzhou! 《一千零一夜》中的这段故事,竟真的发生在广州!

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | The most exciting story in “One Thousand and One Nights” must be the #sailing legend of #Sinbad. In the story, Sinbad arrived in China on his seventh #voyage and saw a city with beautiful #architecture and a dense population. According to research, this city is the “millennium-old commercial capital”, Guangzhou. So in reality, did #Guangzhou really serve as the “Arabian Nights” for ancient #Arabs? The answer is hidden in a #park in Guangzhou. #SplendidLingnan  


