云上岭南 | 全国首支《菠萝传奇》唱响广东

2024-04-02 14:26

【大美广东】“Pineapple Legend” renders in Guangdong


Art and Culture | On March 29, the launch ceremony of #China’s first #AI-created agricultural product brand promotion song “Pineapple Legend” was rendered in #Guangzhou. The song shows the #sweetness of Xuwen pineapples to the world, which is a vivid case of #cultural empowerment of #agriculture, so that more consumers can know, appreciate, and love Xuwen pineapples and help the #pineapples reach a broader market. #artandculture

3月29日,全国首支AI 创作农产品品牌推广歌曲《菠萝传奇》首发仪式在广州市举行。歌曲向全世界展示徐闻菠萝的甜美,是文化赋能农业的生动案例,让更多消费者认识、欣赏、喜爱徐闻菠萝,助力徐闻菠萝走向更广阔的市场。

