云上岭南 | 全国第一:广东全省红树林面积超1万公顷

2024-06-08 11:26

【大美广东】Guangdong province boasts of having the largest mangrove coverage in China, with a total area over 10,000 hectares


Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | The total area of wetlands in Guangdong province is 1,906,800 hectares, with 13 types of wetlands, including #mangrove forests, forest swamps, scrub swamps, and swampy grasslands. Among them,  #Guangdong province boasts of having the largest mangrove coverage in China, with a total area of about 11,000 hectares.

Guangdong will implement five key projects, namely the construction of important wetlands, the construction of “Wetland Park+”, the protection and restoration of mangroves, the construction of a #wetland ecological monitoring network, and the construction of “small and micro wetlands+”. By 2025, the number of important wetlands in the province will reach more than 50, and over 21 “wetland parks +” will be built. #SplendidLingnan

目前,广东全省湿地总面积 190.68 万公顷,分布有红树林地、森林沼泽、灌丛沼泽、沼泽草地等13个类型。其中,全省红树林面积约1.1万公顷,居全国第一。


