云上岭南 | 国家级非遗再现!中山南朗崖口飘色巡游来了

2024-06-14 09:55

【大美广东】Recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage, the Yakou Piaose Parade kicked off in Nanlang, Zhongshan


Art and Culture | At 9:00 a.m. on 11 June, the 2024 Yakou Piaose Parade was held in Nanlang, #Zhongshan as scheduled. This year's parade team consisted of more than 30 flatbed tricycles, starting from Fitness Square of Yakou Village, passing through Pingshan Village, Huamei Village, and parading in the village streets, alleys, and fields, with a total length of about 3 kilometers. Whenever the #parade team passed by, #citizens and tourists all took #photos to record the wonderful moments. #artandculture

