云上岭南 | 十五运会倒计时500天送祝福!意大利歌手玛丽卡在穗为湾区喝彩

2024-06-28 11:50

【雲上嶺南】Italian singer Malika Ayane shines in Guangdong, to send wishes for the 500-day countdown to the 15th National Games


Art and Culture | On the evening of the 25th of June, #Italian singer Malika Ayane performed on the stage of Guangzhou Opera House, and the audience swayed with the rhythm, as the music crossed borders at the moment. To celebrate the 20th #anniversary of the #China-Italy comprehensive strategic partnership, Ayane was invited to participate in the 500-day countdown event for the 15th National Games to sing for the upcoming games and cheer for the #Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Ayane said that 27th June was very important to the 500-day countdown to the 15th National Games. She was happy to perform in Guangzhou to bless the city and the 15th National Games, and she hopes to come again to sing for the people of #Guangzhou. #artandculture

6月25日晚,广州大剧院。当意大利歌手玛丽卡·阿雅娜(Malika Ayane)在台上倾情演唱,台下的观众也不禁摇摆起双手。这一刻,“音乐无国界”这句话有了具象表达。为庆祝中意建立全面战略伙伴关系20周年,玛丽卡受邀参加第十五届全国运动会倒计时500天活动,为十五运会歌唱,为粤港澳大湾区喝彩。玛丽卡·阿雅娜说,6月27日是十五运会倒计时500天,这是个重要的日子,真诚地祝福广州、祝福十五运会,希望再次来广州为大家歌唱。

