云上岭南 | 茂名八坊村成旅游“打卡热点”

2024-07-19 11:16

【大美广东】Bafang Village in Maoming has become a tourist hotspot


Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | Bafang Village, located in Zhenlong Town, Xinyi, #Maoming, #Guangdong Province, is an #ancient #cultural village with over 1,400 years of history and the site of the ancient Duzhou city. Despite the passage of time, the village still preserves a #complex made up of 13 academies. The old buildings, including government offices, schools, and academies, were childhood playgrounds for locals and remain symbols of #nostalgia. Besides being one of the birthplaces of Xinyi culture, Bafang Village wasalso an important transit point for locals emigrating to Southeast #Asia, becoming a source of homesickness for many overseas #Chinese. #SplendidLingnan

